*Illustration reference:
"Saint Peter Penitent"
by painter Gerrit van Honthorst
The end is not the end, my friend
If you and I, this fence, we mend
This bridge we’ve crossed and then burnt down
Be built again, with poise that’s found
When time can soothe the hurts that ail
And cooler heads may yet prevail
We cannot let our fondness fade
O’er many years these bonds were made
There is no slight or piddling harm
That heartfelt handshake can’t disarm
Implore I do, you hear this plea
Do not choose animosity
Instead call out my bad behaviour
And I, as well, return the favour
For that is what good friends can do
We offer each a candid view
To have that trust and confidence
To be exposed without defense
A comrade that fulfills that need
Is something to be prized, indeed!
Though sometimes train may jump the track
There is no snub we can’t take back
I feel assured our muddled stride
Shall fall, with ease, to side-by-side
For swallowed pride’s no bitter pill
If we may call ourselves friends still