It’s fifty years since cross our screens
A movie that could draw out screams
Rose from the depths like none before
Drove viewers to run out the door
Yet many still could not resist
The frightful flick, “The Exorcist”…
So many layers, had this film
Not just a beast from nether realm
A tortured priest that questioned faith
Another that would battle wraith
Right to the death, against all odds
An aging proxy for his god
A child sweet and innocent
Whose soul like chattel to be spent
By demon who brought plague and woe
Each day that passed, made chaos grow
The things that child did endure
Demeanour once so kind and pure
Reduced to wreck with evil smile
A twisted neck and pea-green bile
Until Pazuzu met its match
In wrinkled skin and hair like thatch
Then what transpired was a war
‘Tween good and ill, not seen before
With imagery that would repel you
That mantra thundered, “Christ compels you!”
But evil proved formidable
God’s priests became dispensable
When only one left, meek and mild
To save the soul of wretched child
With temerity, he sacrificed
He captured fiend, then took his life
Did righteousness win out that night?
Malevolence lives on in blight
It does not die, it seeks out form
A simple heart, to make new home
And watch we will, with anxiousness
As devil’s plan will recommence
Possessing souls with spiteful glee
And left to wonder, “Will it come for me?”