Majestic fruit adorned like king
I’d wear your golden juicy rings
Like treasured bangles round my wrist
And nibble on them lost in bliss
There’s something about tart and sweet
That makes it so we crave to eat
Harnessed in a prickly skin
Its luscious liquid drips from chin
Its pure ambrosia is intense
Arousing every human sense
This fruit is mighty versatile
In any fashion, every style
Savory and on the grill
Seared like steak, I'd eat my fill
Or braised in honey mixed with wine
Spooned on cake, a taste divine!
Fresh and eaten in the sun
To be enjoyed by everyone
Its iconic shape has come to be
The badge of hospitality
To me this fruit is without a doubt
The one food I can’t live without!
So hail the one that wears a crown
And tops the cake that’s upside down
Oh Pineapple, I bow before you
Your Sustenance, how I adore you
This hefty hulk of succulence
Forever known, from this day hence
As Potentate of Prickly Plants
(And hallowed home of Spongebob Squarepants!)