We have come to the end of the twelve days of Christmas
You weren’t paying attention? It’s ok you did not miss much
Some drummers were drumming and lords were a-leaping
A great deal of birds needed herding and keeping
A lot of things that do not mean much to me
Were gifted like partridges up in pear trees
And what do we think is to come this thirteenth
What combo of crazy will true love bequeath?
Thirteen cats a-meowing? Or some thirteen goats a-chewing
Thirteen politicians who don’t know what they are doing?
Thirteen streaming services that show there’s nothing on
Thirteen box of chocolates once eaten then are gone
The list is long but time is short, just tell me what you like
Whatever dream you want to share, or what your mood might strike
For you have filled my days with bliss, a love that knows no bounds
Prompting is not needed, my devotion is profound
My love for you procures your whims, you ask, you shall receive
There’s nothing I’d not do for you, no goal I won’t achieve
I’d even catch a bird or two, and stick ‘em in a tree!
Whatever makes you smile, I’d do, for all eternity!