What thinks the beast caged in the zoo
Without a lot of much to do
Their feeding taken care of daily
Workers whistling oh so gaily
Showing up day after day
Shoveling all their poop away
Do they think it quite the life
Little toil, no sign of strife
Just tourists taking tons of pictures
Treating them like they’re a fixture
Without feeling without will
Lying in their dens so still
Seemingly so unaware
As if they never see us there…
But they do see us, juicy sweet
Us standing there, like packaged meat
These narrow bars are all that stand
Between their jaws and tiny hands
So do not doubt that Mother Nature
Her instinct is not bug, but feature
We might cage and think them tame
Insensate without mind to maim But all we’ve done is dull their senses
Disguise their turf with barb-wire fences
Let’s leave them in their natural space
So they may run in savage grace
The beast left where it’s meant to be
Unbroken spirit, fiercely free!